Chapter 5 - Ground Crew Supplement

Techniques for Implementing the Clean Aircraft Concept

  • Establish training programs to update crewmembers on the hazards of winter operations, adverse effects of ice formations on aircraft performance and de-icing and pre-take-off procedures during ground icing operations.
  • Establish training programs for maintenance or other personnel who perform aircraft de-icing to ensure thorough knowledge of the adverse effects of ice formations on aircraft performance and flight characteristics, critical components, specific ground de-icing and anti-icing procedures for each aircraft type, and the use of ground de-icing and anti-icing equipment including detection of abnormal operational conditions.
  • Establish quality assurance programs to ensure that FPD fluids being purchased and used are of the proper characteristics, that proper ground de-icing and anti-icing procedures are utilized, that all critical areas are inspected, and that all critical components of the aircraft are clean prior to departure.
  • Perform thorough planning of ground de-icing activities to ensure that proper supplies and equipment are available for forecast weather conditions and that responsibilities are specifically assigned and understood. This is to include service contracts.
  • Monitor weather conditions very closely to ensure that planning information remains valid during the ground de-icing or anti-icing process and subsequent aircraft operations. Type or concentration of FPD fluids, de-icing or anti-icing procedures, and departure plans should be altered accordingly.
  • When applicable, use two stage de-icing process where ice deposits are first removed, and secondly all critical components of the aircraft are coated with an appropriate mixture of FPD fluid to prolong the effectiveness of the anti-icing.
  • Ensure thorough co-ordination of the ground de-icing and anti-icing process so that the final treatments are provided just prior to take-off.
  • Ensure communication with the de-icing/anti-icing crew is maintained at all times. It is essential that the PIC know exactly what surfaces are being treated and when de-icing/anti-icing operations are complete and crews are clear.
  • When feasible, provide and use remote sites near the take-off position for de-icing, anti-icing and final inspection, to reduce the time between de-icing and take-off.
  • Use multiple aircraft de-icing or anti-icing units for faster and more uniform treatment during precipitation.
  • Use FPD fluids that are approved for use by the aircraft manufacturer. Some fluids may not be compatible with aircraft materials and finishes, and some may have characteristics that impair aircraft performance and flight characteristics or cause control surface instabilities.
  • Do not use substances that are approved for use on pneumatic boots (to improve de-icing performance) for other purposes unless the aircraft manufacturer approves such uses.
  • Use FPD fluid types and concentrations that will delay ice formations for as long as possible under the prevailing conditions.