8.13 Altitude Related Conditions

Training Objective:

The crew member will be able to define/demonstrate the first aid for altitude related conditions required to effectively handle an in-flight emergency situation.


Earache and Sinusitis
First Aid for Earache and Sinusitis
Hyperventilation Syndrome
First Aid for Hyperventilation
Motion Sickness
First Aid for Motion Sickness

8.13A Earache and Sinusitis

8.13A.1 State the signs and symptoms of an ear infection:

  1. Pain, increasing during descent of aircraft;
  2. Dizziness;
  3. Loss of hearing; and
  4. Possible discharge.

8.13A.2 State the signs and symptoms of a sinusitis:

  1. Headache;
  2. Pain increasing during descent of aircraft;
  3. Possible discharge; and
  4. Dizziness.

8.13B First Aid for Earache and Sinusitis

8.13B.1 Describe the first aid for an earache:

  1. Assist in taking prescribed medication; and
  2. Dispose of discharge in an appropriate manner.

8.13B.2 Describe the first aid for sinusitis:

  1. Assist in taking prescribed medication; and
  2. Dispose of discharge in an appropriate manner.

8.13C Hyperventilation Syndrome

8.13C.1 State the signs and symptoms of hyperventilation:

  1. Marked anxiety;
  2. Dyspnea; and
  3. Dizziness and light-headedness.

8.13D First Aid for Hyperventilation

8.13D.1 Describe the first aid for hyperventilation:

  1. Try to talk the passenger into slowing his or her respiration rate;
  2. Have the passenger breathe into an oxygen mask operating at low flow (Note: Giving oxygen to someone with hyperventilation will not make the condition worse); and
  3. Recommend that the passenger consult a physician.

8.13E Motion Sickness

8.13E.1 List the signs and symptoms of motion sickness:

  1. Nausea and vomiting;
  2. Dizziness;
  3. Pale, clammy skin; and
  4. Fainting.

8.13F First Aid for Motion Sickness

8.13F.1 Describe the first aid for motion sickness:

  1. Assist in taking medication;
  2. Provide fresh air;
  3. Recline the passenger's seat;
  4. Place a cool, damp cloth over the passenger's eyes;
  5. Dispose of any vomitus in an appropriate manner; and
  6. Clean and deodorize area as required.