Grade Crossing Improvement Program and Grade Crossing Closure Program approved under the Railway Safety Act

Name of transfer payment program: Grade Crossing Improvement Program and Grade Crossing Closure Program approved under the Railway Safety Act

Start date: January 1, 1989

End date: No end date

Description: Payments made to railway companies and municipalities to improve safety at public road-railway grade crossings.

Strategic outcome: A safe transportation system

Results Achieved: In 2013-14, 460 of 523 approved Grade Crossing Improvement Program projects were completed. Twenty-nine projects are on track for completion in fiscal year 2014-15. Thirty-four projects were not completed by the recipients due to operational reasons (e.g., ineligible costs, crossings or subdivisions decommissioned or sold, alternate project plans).

Program: 3.3: Rail Safety; Sub-program 3.3.3: Rail Safety Awareness and Grade Crossing Improvement

($ millions)
  2011-12 Actual spending 2012-13 Actual spending 2013-14 Planned spending 2013-14 Total authorities 2013-14 Actual spending Variance
Total grants 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.2
Total contributions 8.5 11.9 10.9 10.3 7.1 3.8
Total other types of transfer payments 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total program 8.5 11.9 11.2 10.6 7.2 4.0

Comments on variance: The variance of $4.0 million between planned and actual spending for 2013-14 is primarily due to the difference between estimated and actual project costs. Project scheduling allows railways to save costs in some cases (completing nearby projects in tandem, ordering pre-assembled parts, etc.). There were also several projects delayed or rescheduled to fiscal year 2014-15 because of project or schedule complications, and this did not allow the Department time to move other projects forward.

Audits completed or planned: not applicable

Evaluation completed or planned: Grade Crossing Improvement Program 2014-15; Grade Crossing Closure Program 2013-2014.

Engagement of applicants and recipients:

  • Quarterly conference calls with key recipients
  • Transport Canada's website
  • Rail Safety Program Outreach activities