Take a drone pilot online exam: Small Advanced Exam

Fee: $10, additional attempts have the same fee.

About the online Small Advanced Exam

You must pass this exam and your flight review to get your Pilot Certificate – Advanced operations.

The Small Advanced Exam:

  • 50 multiple choice questions.
  • 60 minutes to complete the exam. If you run out of time, your exam will be marked based on the answers provided (see accommodations notice below).
  • A score of 80% or higher is considered a pass.

We strongly recommend that you attend a drone flight school before attempting the exam. Online exam questions are based on the Knowledge Requirements for Pilots of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems. However, this document is not a study guide.

If you fail the online exam, you must wait 24 hours before trying again. You can re-take it as many times as you wish.

You are given the results of your online exam right after it finishes through the Drone Management Portal.

Technical difficulties while taking an exam

Please contact us to let us know what happened and we can reset your exam for you.


Transport Canada is committed to providing accommodations for pilots who need extra time to complete their online exam. All requests for extra time are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. To request an accommodation, send an email to TC.RPASInfo-InfoSATP.TC@tc.gc.ca before paying for your exam.

After you pass your online exam

You will need to complete a flight review with a flight reviewer to get your Pilot Certificate – Advanced operations. Keep the reference number given to you after passing the exam. Drone flight schools will ask for this number when you book a flight review.

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