Aerodrome Safety Circular (ASC) No. 97-002I

ASC 97-002


Bird Hazard Website and Toll Free Reporting Number


This Aerodrome Safety Information Circular is being issued in order to advise Canadian Aerodrome operators of  two new services that are available for the reporting of bird and mammal strikes.


In order to maintain its database on bird/wildlife incidents, Transport Canada has depended on a voluntary system whereby pilots, airlines, aerodrome operators, and DND have provided data in a number of formats. In order to enhance the data collection system, Transport Canada has recently initiated two new systems for reporting bird/wildlife incidents or accidents. A toll-free number (1-888-282-BIRD) is now available so that anyone who becomes aware of a bird/wildlife incident or accident can easily provide a report to Transport Canada.

In addition to the toll-free number, Transport Canada has also developed a bird hazard website:

This new site not only allows on-line reporting, but it also provides access to Transport Canada’s bird/wildlife database, the Wildlife Control Procedures Manual, and awareness/education material.


In order to minimize bird and mammal hazards to aircraft, Transport Canada requires a complete and accurate database of incidents and accidents. It is hoped that the implementation of a website and toll-free reporting line will make it easier for stakeholders to provide reports, which should allow Transport Canada to focus its resources on those areas which require improvement. For further information please contact:

Civil Aviation
Communication Centre (AARCB)
330 Sparks Street
Ottawa ON
K1A 0N8
North America: 1-800-305-2059
Fax: 613-957-4208
Civil Aviation Communications Centre contact form

Original signed by:
Harvey Layden (1997.12.19)
Director, Aerodrome Safety